1225 Nursery Road, Green Lane, PA 18054



Steel-String Acoustic Guitars

Naugler Guitars is located in the hills of southeastern Pennsylvania in the northwest corner of historic Bucks County. I build guitars using (mostly) traditional methods in an old barn with a modern shop.

I started building guitars in 2005. I was a pilot for US Air and it didn't look likely that I would ever be able to retire completely due to a mandatory age 60 retirement and the perilous state of the airline industry in the US. The airline biz turned the corner and the mandatory retirement age was raised to 65 so my guitar business slowly turned into more of a hobby than a job. I still make guitars now but not nearly as many and only on spec. As finished guitars become available I will list them here but I'm no longer taking orders as the wait time has gotten too long for custom instruments.


You can contact me at seth@nauglerguitars.com.

Copyright 2016 Naugler Guitars.